Make Your Own Spätzle by hand!
Basic Recipe:
1c flour
1 egg
Water, enough to make dough sticky, near impossible to work with (and reminds you of how Calvin talked about his mom's cooking in Calvin and Hobbes) and creates a lacy web when you work the dough.
Sure, you can use a mixer, but there's something about turning the dough by hand with a wooden spoon that makes the communication of readiness perfectly clear.
Going to my Oma's house this was a favorite we looked forward to each visit. The recipe has been adapted from the simple flour, egg, water which she used out of necessity, but it will always provide an anchor to the resiliency of my heritage.
Let rest for 10-20 min before pressing into boiling water.
- For richer more pillowy noodles, increase egg content and/or substitute milk/cream/buttermilk for water. Add small amount of mustard and salt for depth of flavor.
These noodles are especially good reheated in a hot buttered skillet!